Example Build
Environmental requirements
IOS 11.0 and above
Android Browser: Requires a WebRTC-enabled browser kernel
PC Web browser: Chrome 58 + browser with Safari 11 and above
Quick Access
Method 1: After downloading the arm cloudH5S DK package file, unzip it and import it Click to Download (armcloudH5SDK.zip)
import { ArmcloudEngine } from "@/lib/index.es.js"
Method 2: Load through NPM.
# npm
npm i armcloud-rtc
# yarn
yarn add armcloud-rtc
# pnpm
pnpm add armcloud-rtc
import { ArmcloudEngine } from "armcloud-rtc"
const engine = new ArmcloudEngine({
//.. initialization parameter
Explain 1.Create a container on the page
<div class="phoneBox" id="phoneBox" style="background-color: grey;overflow:hidden;width: 100%;height: 100%;text-align: center;"></div>
- Obtain instance information through the PaaS interface to obtain instance connection information.
- After obtaining the instance information data, * * const armCloud = new ArmcloudEngine ({//.. initialization parameter }) * * is initialized.
- After successful initialization, link the device through the * * armCloud. Start () * *.
- You need to stop linking to the cloud phone and call the * * armCloud. Stop () * * to disconnect the link.
baseUrl: Please set the corresponding address
- Domestic: https://openapi.armcloud.net
- Overseas: https://openapi-hk.armcloud.net
token: Obtain the token by calling the server-side API /vcpcloud/api/padApi/stsToken
- Note: Please use the domestic OpenAPI address for domestic requests and the overseas OpenAPI address for overseas requests.
Sample code
// Taking Vue project as an example
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, onMounted } from "vue";
import { showNotify, showDialog } from "vant";
import "vant/es/notify/style";
import "vant/es/dialog/style";
import { ArmcloudEngine } from "armcloud-rtc";
const armCloud: any = ref(null);
const handleStart = () => {
// RTC initialization
const params = {
baseUrl: 'https://openapi-hk.armcloud.net', // SDK request domain, default https://openapi.armcloud.net
token: '', // Required, token obtained from server by calling /vcpcloud/api/padApi/stsToken
retryCount: 2, // WebSocket reconnection attempts, default 2
retryTime: 2000, // WebSocket reconnection interval, default 2000ms
enableMicrophone: true, // Whether to enable the microphone
enableCamera: true, // Whether to enable the camera
deviceInfo: {
padCode: 'AC22030020000', // Required, room ID
userId: 'xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxx', // Required, unique ID from your product, such as user ID
videoStream: { // Optional, specific configuration, refer to API details for resolution, bitrate, frame rate
resolution: 12, // Optional, resolution, default 12 (540 * 960)
frameRate: 2, // Optional, frame rate, default 2 (25fps)
bitrate: 3 // Optional, bitrate, default 3 (2Mbps)
autoRecoveryTime: 300, // Optional, auto-recovery time with no operation, range 1s~7200s, default: 300
mediaType: 3, // Optional, media stream type 1: audio only, 2: video only, 3: both audio and video, default: 3
rotateType: 0, // Optional, screen orientation 0: portrait, 1: landscape, default: 0
keyboard: 'pad', // Optional, current keyboard 'local': local keyboard, 'pad': cloud keyboard, default: 'pad'
saveCloudClipboard: true, // Optional, whether to receive cloud clipboard callback true: receive, false: do not receive, default: true
viewId: "phoneBox", // Required, container ID
callbacks: { // Optional, callback collection
// Initialization callback
onInit: ({ code, msg }) => {
console.log("init:", code, msg);
// Perform subsequent operations after successful initialization
if (code === 0) {
// Check if the browser supports RTC service
const isSupported = await armCloud.value.isSupported();
if (!isSupported) {
type: "warning",
message: "This browser does not support RTC service"
return false;
// Join the room
// Connection successful callback
onConnectSuccess: () => {
type: "success",
message: "Successfully joined the room"
// Get SDK version
const version = armCloud.value.version;
console.log('Current SDK version:', version);
// Connection failure callback
onConnectFail: ({ code, msg }) => {
console.log("fail:", code, msg);
type: "danger",
message: msg
// Auto-recovery callback
onAutoRecoveryTime: () => {
console.log("Triggered auto-recovery callback");
// After triggering auto-recovery, the SDK internally executes armCloud.value.stop(), leaving the room. Rejoining is required.
message: "Auto-recovery triggered, stream paused; Click confirm to resume streaming"
}).then(() => {
// on close
// Rejoin the room
// Autoplay failure callback
onAutoplayFailed: e => {
console.log("Autoplay failed", e);
if (e.kind === "video") {
message: "Autoplay video failed; Click confirm to play manually"
}).then(() => {
// on close
if (e.kind === "audio") {
message: "Autoplay audio failed; Click confirm to play manually"
}).then(() => {
// on close
// Current runtime information callback
onRunInformation: (info) => {
console.log("Current network conditions", info);
// Triggered when resolution changes
onChangeResolution: (width, height) => {
console.log("Current resolution", width, height);
// Triggered when receiving a message passed from the cloud app
onTransparentMsg: (type, msg) => {
console.log("Transparent message", type, msg);
// Triggered when playback encounters an exception
onErrorMessage: (event) => {
console.log("Exception", event);
// Cloud machine text content copy callback
onOutputClipper: (message) => {
// If the configuration saveCloudClipboard: false is passed during initialization, callback messages cannot be received
console.log("Copied text content", message);
// Video first frame rendered successfully
onRenderedFirstFrame: () => {
console.log("Video first frame rendered successfully");
armCloud.value = new ArmcloudEngine(params);
/** Leave the room */
const handleStop = () => {
style="background-color: grey; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; height: 80%; text-align: center"
<div class="flex">
<div @click="handleStart">Join Room</div>
<div @click="handleStop">Leave Room</div>